
Public Hanging

Installation. Processing line, meat hooks and business suits.

The participants put on business suits and are suspended by the collar on meat hooks. Once off the ground, their mobility is limited to the course of the processing line.

“Freed from the ground, the business suits become a kind of harness or straitjacket, in which the wearer is carried by the suit itself. The public hanging becomes a sensory diagram of the everyday logistics and mechanics of power by displacing the active viewer through a physical conceit. As the participants dangle, they can gaze at the aphorising slogan: ‘Freedom is a piece with no ground’ written with fluorescent chalk upon the pavement below. The installation scrutinizes the conflict between the yearning to be a free functioning individual and the need to cooperate.”   Adam Kleinman


A Public Hanging. Installation. Atlas Meats, Meatpacking District, Manhattan, New York City, NY (US).

A Public Hanging. Installation, 2005. Atlas Meats, Meatpacking District, Manhattan, New York City, NY (US). Photo: Assocreation.

Meatpacking District, Manhattan, New York City, NY (US). Photo: Assocreation.

Meatpacking District, Manhattan, New York City, NY (US). Video: Assocreation.


A Public Hanging. Installation. Atelier Assocreation, Vienna (AT).

A Public Hanging. Installation, 2004. Atelier Assocreation, Vienna (AT). Photo: Klaus Pichler.

Atelier Assocreation, Vienna (AT). Photo: Klaus Pichler.

A Public Hanging. Installation, 2004. Atelier Assocreation, Vienna (AT). Photo: Klaus Pichler.

Atelier Assocreation, Vienna (AT). Photo: Klaus Pichler.