Action. 30-40l of calcium hydroxide, polyethylene bag, Stanley knife, video camera, airplane and ground.
Chalk bags are cut open and dragged across the ground at cheap airline destinations. The resulting white line is documented on video. With their homes as a starting point, the performers carry out the action in one day and keep a log.
Moving backwards, we etch progress into the earth.
Excerpt from the log: “Airline – Brighton”. Action. Beach, Brighton (UK):
3.20 p.m.
Observe the unpredictable movements of the surveillance camera during a lunch break at the Victory pub in the Duke Street / Middlestreet pedestrian zone.
4.47 p.m.
The cab driver indicates the possibility of a bomb in our luggage and refuses to drive us.
6.45 p.m.
People lift their feet unusually high when stepping over the airline.
Airlines. Installation. Group exhibition “Agorafolly Inside”, Europalia 07. La Centrale Électrique, Brussels (BE).
Airline – Brussels. Action. Mont des Arts, Brussels (BE).
Mont des Arts, Brussels (BE). Video: Assocreation.
Airlines. Installation. Group exhibition “Niemandsland”. Künstlerhaus, Vienna (AT).
Airline – Paris. Action. Montparnasse, Paris (FR).
Montparnasse, Paris (FR). Video: Assocreation.
Airline – Warsaw. Action. Pole Mokotowskie, Warsaw (PL).
Pole Mokotowskie, Warsaw (PL). Video: Assocreation.
Airline – Copenhagen. Action. Overgaden Oven Vandet, Copenhagen (DK).
Airline – Zurich. Action. Bellevueplatz, Zurich (CH).
Bellevueplatz, Zurich (CH). Video: Assocreation.
Airline – Valencia. Action. Carmen, Valencia (ES).
Carmen, Valencia (ES). Video: Assocreation.
Airline – Brighton. Action. Beach, Brighton (UK).
Beach, Brighton (UK). Video: Assocreation.
(Air-)line – Vienna. Action. Meidlinger Markt, Vienna (AT).